The Fellowship of the Golden Dawn Universum had to respond to the requirements of Coronavirus, just like many other organisations. Our temples and sanctuaries are now open again.
We do advise all members to continue to keep safe and observe any further Coronavirus guidance for their country.
We continue to offer healing from a distance to anyone who is unwell or in need. Please go to the healing page on this website for more information.
Joint Order Conclave - 2019
Members of the Order come together annually for an intensive week of classes and ritual work.
In 2019 we held a 4-day conclave in Los Angeles, California. These large events are annual, and are open to all members. They are an excellent opportunity to learn from advanced practitioners, experience full rituals of initiation and other magical training; to develop your knowledge and skills in Golden Dawn Theurgy.
Our conclave for 2020 had to be postponed due to the pandemic, but we held a number of online events during the year with classes and training, that were successful as far as they could be via online video.
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